USSRisgone t1_j9osjj7 wrote
Reply to Pakistan’s fresh £580m loan from China intensifies debt burden fears | Loan is on top of £25bn that cash-strapped Islamabad already owes Beijing and Chinese commercial banks by misana123
This is a terrible position for Pakistan, it’s like selling your soul taking Chinese money. Maybe a 155mm artillery shell factory needs to be built so Pakistan can generate income. Lots of customers at the minute.
USSRisgone t1_j621it9 wrote
I’m sure in the future these graveyards will be levelled to hide the shame of the defeat.
USSRisgone t1_j3vuke1 wrote
500,000 “it’s not my problem” people are gonna get very nervous soon 🤣
USSRisgone t1_je8b0dj wrote
Reply to We’re halfway to a tipping point that would trigger 6 feet of sea level rise from melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet by Bored-sideline
Sorry to say but we’re doomed. We’ve ruined our planet and we can’t save it. It’s to late.