
t1_ixq99lh wrote

“A category one hurricane” the news said.

“No worries, just a small hurricane, right?” I

uttered. Angie, my roommate, paid no attention to

the news. I walked to the kitchen, then opened

the pantry. I wasn't suprised to see a half empty

pantry. Angie loved food. “Hey, let's go get some

take-out” I suggested to her. “Maybe some...

Waffle house?” she replyed. “I mean, that place is

always open! Remember that hurricane last

month? Those doors were wide open!” She joked.

It was true. Waffle house was always open.

“Alright then” I said. I could see Angie's eyes

wide open. We drove to the nearest Waffle House.

Then, laid in my eyes, the most horrific thing

I saw. The closed sign on Waffle House.

Angie panicked. I panicked in my head too. How

was it possible for Waffle House closing on a

category 1..? Angie pointed at an employee

working there. “Hey you! Why is it closed?”

The employee, looking about 20, replied in a

rather chill manner. “You didn't hear? There's a

category 1 hurricane” “But you keep your doors

open all the time!” Complained my roommate

She's hard to shake off. Really hard. “Isn't it

crazy? Well, I'll go now.” said the employee.

We drove back to our apartment. “Well something

bad's gonna happen for sure.” Angie muttered. I

rolled my eyes. “It's 8:30 now, might as well

sleep!” I complained. That girl can be cuckoo.

“Ugh, goodnight.” She said. We laid off to bed. I

woke up in the middle of the night to the

hurricane. It didn't feel like a category 1. It wasn't

a category 1, I just knew it. “Angie! Wake up! Get

in the basement now!” I said in a panicked way.

I was more of a mature person, but not this time.

Just not now. Angie didn't budge. I had no

choice than to carry her to the basement. She

woke up in the rather dirty mattress. She jolted

up. “Why are we in here?” She said. “Doesn't

matter, we're clearly in a bad situation!”

I told her. I peeked through the small window. A

category 5 it looked. “But waffle house would still

be open..” I muttered. But I saw what seems to

be.. An entity. Completely black. Wrecking havoc

in this neighborhood. I almost had a panic attack

when Angie said in a solemn voice. I wasn't sure

if that was even Angie. She said in a deep,

solemn voice.... “We're in Ohio..” I was frozen.

Everything went black.