
UnnecessaryBiscotti t1_izf4t8s wrote

No I agree 100% that no one should be pulling a gun on porch pirates. In nearly 10/10 scenarios it is illegal, unethical, and dangerous. No one’s life is worth an Amazon package. I just meant in general that I don’t believe everyone in favor of stand your ground/castle doctrine type legislation is itching to use a firearm. There is definitely a demographic that is, but I think many people just reach for it as an equalizing solution to a problem we can’t seem to solve (murder/home invasions/etc).


UnnecessaryBiscotti t1_izep9hp wrote

To be fair, speaking as a woman, I do not own a gun and would never want to use one, but I can understand feeling unsafe and physically unmatched in one’s home when dealing with criminals. That’s even before they pull a gun on you. I think it’s clearly a bandaid solution if anything, but I don’t think all people who’d like to be able to defend themselves from harm are overly violent men trying to play Wild West. This country (and many other but particularly the US) is very scary for women. I can empathize with wanting something to equalize physical differences that could result in their death.