
UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2by4tf wrote

Hello. After some suggestions of other users, i've redo this graph using the number of primary students instead of the number of total inhabitants per each country.

The new graph is here:

I'm a newbie publishing here, so please don't hesitate to let me know the best way to "update" an already published graph, like now. Thanks for your help.


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2bxnse wrote

Source data:

Statistical data: varies by country, from 2016 to 2022.

Statistical adjustment: i used the average of the last 2 years data for each country, because i have seen that the number of teachers and students can vary easily 5-10% from one year to another, sometimes up and sometimes down.

Software: LibreOffice Calc


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2bhaaj wrote

Thanks to some suggestions below (in other comments) i'm redoing the graph calculation the ratio of teachers per capita using the number of primary school enrolled students instead of the total of inhabitants of each country.

Please help. I need to know which is the best way to replace this current posted graph by the new one. Must i delete this post and publish the new one? Or must/can i modify this publication?

Thanks in advance.


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2bfhck wrote

Thanks a lot. I appreciate your support. And yes, i also find quite annoying to be surrounded by so many "wise" people, always prepared to punctuate the alien work.

But said that, i really appreciate some of the "constructive comments". I will improve my english version of the title of the graph, and i also i'm working to redo the graph using the number of primary school students instead total inhabitants, per calculate the ratio of "teachers per capita".

In this point it was a fail of me... wanting to go too much fast 😔 i've discovered that in that UNESCO database there is the data of how many enrolled students are per country and school level 😁

Indeed, please, do you know if i must do a NEW PUBLICATION or can i modify this one "replacing one graph by the new one"? I mean that i would prefer this one delete it. But i'm not very friend of "delete nothing" (as a general rule). I think that the history of the things is important to exist too.

What do you think? (thanks in advance!)


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2bae5b wrote

I take a look just a couple minutes ago to the same UNESCO database and i've found there exist numbers of students enrolled by school level and country. So i will redo now the graph (let me one hour work 😅).

In that database i've found "ALMOST ALL" countries except a few pacific and caribbean "island-states" and the big (and strange) absence are Canada and Australia.

And yes, you're right, english is not my first language. I take note of your suggested title. Thanks a lot!


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2b8yuz wrote

Yes... it would be better to have used number of primary students, instead of total inhabitants. I will try to redo it later with this modification.

You must understand that it's not quite easy to find that data. If you visit the unesco database where i take from the data, there are rar missings like for example Canada number of teachers !? So, i can imagine that it will be more difficult to get the number of primary students.

But i would like it. Sure. Thanks for note it.

Responding to your first question: in education science is quite relevant the number of teachers per student. This was my target to explorer.

For me, the most unexpected result is that in this top-20 there is countries of any continent and size. This rarely happen with other "market metrics". I've curiosity to see the rank using the number of students instead the number of inhabitants. I suspect that it will not be so many differences. It only will be more accurate.

It could be possible instead, to apply a correction factor using the "life expectancy" too. Because in countries with more life expectancy, the % of students is lower per inhabitant than in countries with less life expectancy.

Thanks again.


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2b74lr wrote

Also, it would be interesting to take in account how many years does primary school last. Usually there is 1-2 years of difference between countries. Sometimes begin a year before and sometimes a year later, and the same happens to finish it.

So, i realize that it's not a so significant metric.

But, man, take a look to the unesco database where i take the data from... there are countries (like Canada!!) without data about primary school teacheres 😮 so... starting from there, you can't expect to get very accurate images about these "international comparatives".


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2b6a2x wrote

It's a RELATIVE metric (X things each Y population). In education science is quite relevant the number of teachers by pupil.

Certainly, it would find quite more convenient to calculate this relative metric using "number of children with primary school age" instead of "total inhabitants". But usually these both metrics are quite related. But i know that it's not the same. For example, for countries with more old people it probably the % of children is lower than countries with a lower life expectancy.

Mmmm... maybe i could apply a "fix factor" using the life expectancy for each country (i collected it for previous graphs i done this month).

So, consider this a "first version" 😁


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j2b2k82 wrote

Source data:

Statistical data: varies by country, from 2018 to 2021

Statistical adjustment: i used the average of the last 2 years data for each country, because i have seen that the number of teachers can vary easily 10% from one year to another, sometimes up and sometimes down. I filtered countries with more than 1 million inhabitants.

Software: LibreOffice Calc.


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j25lzeo wrote

These numbers of that wikipedia article are based on FMI and Heritage published data. In the wikipedia article there are the links.

The FMI grouped the countries by geographic continents... not political agreements. For this reason i mentioned the continent specified by original source data (FMI).


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j0vn5hk wrote

Source 1:

Source 2:

Software: LibreOffice Calc, Gimp

Note: sincerely, i was not able to understand at sources if the number of views are of the last year or of the total life of the channel. I think that it's this second. Please help me to know. 😅


UsandoFXOS t1_ixx82dr wrote

Statcounter are focused on web traffic stats... so the most likely thing is that those analytics are considering "only" devices used by people visiting webpages.

So, maybe the title of this chart should mention that... something like "OS of devices used to view web pages".

If this is correct, then it probably there are more users using mobile devices than the counted in this analysis, because a lot of people use the smartphone never to visit web pages, but they only use apps (Facebook, YouTube,. blah blah...). 😁


UsandoFXOS t1_ixairyh wrote

Woooow, so we have multiplied the mammal population on earth by ten respect the "natural" population.

In other words, we have enslaved 90% of other mammals 😔

The most sad is to see the STUPID smile of friends and neighbours when i comment this kind of facts in social meets, and they only answer stupid things like: it's so delicious animal meat.

I feel that this kind of people would be able to eat me if we would live on a parallel dystopian society 🤔