
ValidStatus t1_iwkgvgq wrote

>Pakistani have flooded the place with their own people.

That would be painfully obvious if it were true, since the locals looks so distinct and unique amongst Pakistani ethnic groups.

>Add to it the constant brainwashing from the state from the school education that India is going to eat Pakistan alive and non Muslims basically second calss citizens.

None of that extra effort is necessary, they just see how the people of Kashmir on the other side of the line of control have it in comparison to themselves.

And like I said to someone else, these people themselves fought of the Maharaja's forces and ceded themselves to Pakistan, they have been Pro-Pakistan right from the start.


ValidStatus t1_iwi064a wrote

No, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan had risen up against Maharaja Hari Singh's Dogra forces in the region, and then officially ceded themselves to Pakistan.

Besides, not like India has any legal right to Kashmir.

Even the dubious claim they did have they've gotten rid of in 2019 by violating the very condition that the state had joined India because of by getting rid of the semi-autonomy of the state.


ValidStatus t1_iteww22 wrote

>Also it's only for 5 years.

No, it's for the length of the current assemblies. As soon as they are dissolved before the general elections, he gets to contest.

But it won't go that far.

The evidence is in favour of Khan, one of the election Commissioner still hasn't signed off on the judgment despite threats against him and his family by the government and the military which is why despite the announcement the Election Commission still hasn't released the detailed judgment.

And the Election Commission isn't a court os they don't have the power to make such a decision in the first place.