
VegUltraGirl t1_j1pp08l wrote

The last outage we had, my friend had no power for 3 days and no generator or any heat. They didnā€™t have any issues, but the temps were a bit milder last week. Honestly I donā€™t know, itā€™s so stressful šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


VegUltraGirl OP t1_j1pou7j wrote

We have a wood stove thatā€™s our primary heat and we supplement with oil, but our momā€™s in-law suite is electric heat, so we need to keep her house warm. The indoor safe heaters look like a good option and maybe a camping stove for her. I agree that this will be more common, it worries me a bit. At this point I feel like we need to be prepared to live off grid for at least 2 weeks!


VegUltraGirl t1_j1o9zgy wrote

We are still out in Sweden, 50 hours here too, after 90 hrs last week with it. We had 2 and a half days before we lost power again. Itā€™s been a tough couple of weeks. Very grateful for a generator and wood stove.


VegUltraGirl t1_j1o87j1 wrote

That sounds like us when we first bought our house, we quickly learned how expensive it was going to be to heat. We had to keep the house at 58 when we werenā€™t home and 64 when we were, it sucked. The next year we got a wood stove. 3 cords of wood for the winter and we supplement with oil. Our house is now at 68-72, we got 100 gallons delivered in November and weā€™ve barely used it!!


VegUltraGirl t1_j1o0679 wrote

Turn off the water! We have a wood stove and have kept the house around 65 during the day, we stop adding wood around 11pm and go to bed, by 5 am itā€™s about 55 degrees in the house. Without running the wood stove we would be in trouble. I would assume pipes would freeze.