
VeganGlitter t1_iu9g5q2 wrote

I don't know what elementary biology topic you are referring to. We have talked about many topics. Which topic/ topics were you referring to with elementary biology? I already said humans have the ability to digest starch and cellulose. I already said farming practices are immoral and un natural. And you haven't given any arguments that are worth not being Vegan and investigating Veganism.


VeganGlitter t1_iu9acrc wrote

I wouldn't say propaganda. If you watched the videos you would see one is a doctor, and the other shows nutrition labels as their example. He actually reads a lot of science literature too. The bacteria to breakdown cellulose isn't just in the mouth, it's also in the digestive tract. I recommend watching the video of the doctor again. I'm not a bear. A bear is a bear. You literally gave the same argument in the video. That's why I linked those videos. Also shame on you for saying I'm not worth anyone's time. You didn't answer my question on what information was provided in elementary biology.


VeganGlitter t1_iu916oa wrote

That was the first time you asked if I graduated the fifth grade. Can you count? Or did you not graduate first grade? Obviously the education system has failed both of us, so why not educate yourself? I recommend watching this video, it addresses the topics we have already discussed.

Humans can digest plants. Vegans don't only eat lettuce. You go from humans came from carnivorous primate argument, to arguing how plants are being grafted in order to cultivate them. That is a part of gardening and farming. For example the carrot wasn't from nature in that same sense. I'm not against carrots, are you? An animal example is chickens. They have been bred in very unhealthy ways for meat and egg laying. There's a big difference between the two. One is a vegetable, one is a sentient being. So which is worse? Grafting a Cavendish banana. Or enslaving an animal? I would say the animal doesn't deserve that way of life and treatment. This video addresses your statement for cellulase.

You can't say my information is out dated. You don't know where I'm getting my information from. I could just as easily say that same ignorant statement to you as well, but then we both would be wrong. I don't play with cards, I'm too busy trying to help animals.


VeganGlitter t1_iu7vc3v wrote

I wouldn't consider that being generous but ok. I don't over eat. If you think the food the animals eat is free range you're incorrect. It's all farmed. Most people wouldn't harm an animal in real life if the animal was put in front of them at a restaurant. Humans ARE more herbivore than you may think. Our digestive track is about 8 times longer than a carnivore, a big characteristic of an herbivore. Our teeth are flat, and our jaw moves side to side, another big characteristic. Our gut DOES have bacteria to digest starches and plants, I think the process starts with amylase.. And our eyes can see color, another characteristic of an herbivore. When we see deer or squirrels, we don't get locked in to it, we are able to stop and look away and think. All characteristics of an herbivore. Also I don't eat grass, but I have tried a short of wheatgrass before.


VeganGlitter t1_iu5ayax wrote

What? I don't get what you mean. I apply human morals to animals? Is rape, torture, and murder to ANY being actually moral? What is your definition of moral murder? And I wouldn't say your example of vandalism works. It doesn't affect animals the same way my statement does. Nor does vandalism happen on the same scale.


VeganGlitter t1_iu57ox2 wrote

I don't believe this is correct. "The amount of plantmatter or the amount of processing needed to get
comparable amino acids from plants that you would get from meat, is
grossly unhealthy." The leading cause of death in America is from the Standard American Diet. Which is to say, eating meat, dairy, eggs, and cheese. Also I recommend reading the book "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. It shows a long term study on a massive scale of eating Vegan plant based for health reasons. Also if your claim was correct, then hospitals wouldn't serve hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza etc. They would serve raw fruits and vegetables. And what happes when people eat more raw fruits and vegetables, their health usually improves.
Most of the food that is accessible to the majority of the worlds population IS easily accessible. What are you talking about it's not accessible? Making a profit off an animal is different than making a profit off plants. There are more similarities to humans being herbivores than carnivore or even omnivore. I recommend you watch this YouTube video:


VeganGlitter t1_iu311tv wrote

Animals do not even scratch the surface of the amount of torture and rape done to other species. You making that kind of statement is like saying there is a glass of water in the ocean. Humans rape, torture, and murder animals systematically by the thousands every second. There is a VERY big difference. All animals have consciousness the same as humans. All feel pain and suffering just like humans. So if you make that distinction of apes, cats, and dogs having similar attributes to humans, then you would have to make the same connection for all other animals as well.
I find it sad that people actually believe that Vegans are assholes when Vegans are defending rape, torture, and murder of innocent beings, and the other is advocating their right to do so. Absolutely insane, but that's the norm for most of the world. Like, how brainwashed the human species is to reality is just sad.
At what cost is life? An animal takes more input than growing plants.


VeganGlitter t1_iu2zpxy wrote

That was a very broad statement. What do you mean aren't all those human concepts? Humans are animals. How can I apply what to animals? Do you really believe an animal is unwitting in knowing it's going to be killed? Do you really believe an animal is unwitting having its baby being taken away from it after it's born? Surely you can't put such labels as "unwitting" on an animal.