
Vigorously_Swish t1_j7axw6p wrote

It has never been easy since back when me and my friends would sneak in 20 years ago. There was always security patrolling and you needed a crowbar to pry open an entrance since they constantly patched up previous entrances.

It’s not the same at all anymore though, been bought out and repurposed as a stupid Halloween thing. Though I hear it’s only one building they renovated for that, so in theory you could sneak into one of the other buildings for the classic urban exploring experience. Idk for sure though, haven’t lived around there for 2 decades, just going by word of mouth


Vigorously_Swish t1_ixmpcb7 wrote

Remote work in tech isn’t slowing down, despite what the biggest companies might have you believe. They all want their workers back in office because their campuses are mini-ecosystems that will rot away otherwise, making it a huge waste of money they won’t be able to sell easily. Most tech is still done from home these days.