Viking603 OP t1_je60mmx wrote
Reply to comment by TheCloudBoy in The real reason they want to secure the Northern border. by Viking603
In for the BBQ!
Viking603 OP t1_je60b9m wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in The real reason they want to secure the Northern border. by Viking603
Viking603 t1_je2eita wrote
Reply to comment by mahoniz27 in Water Quality in Merrimack? by Illustrious-Study237
That's good to know. I had heard the opposite obviously.
Viking603 t1_je19bed wrote
Reply to Water Quality in Merrimack? by Illustrious-Study237
If your water is supplied by Pennichuck, get it tested as well. AFAIK, Pennichuck doesn't test their water! It's up to the recipient to test.
We use Granite State Analytical in Derry does a great job for us. Get it tested now and in the Fall so you have a baseline. Then once a year.
Viking603 t1_jdx7j4w wrote
Reply to comment by Tullyswimmer in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
The only way it should be.
Viking603 t1_jdoiyac wrote
Reply to comment by -Codfish_Joe in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
If it's good enough for cops with their nearly 100% backed out windows, it's good enough for us.
The govt not allowing tint of any level is just a revenue generator.
Viking603 t1_jdmmuq7 wrote
Reply to comment by BackItUpWithLinks in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
A lot of people, cops, inspection personnel, don't even know the law has changed. The inspection station I use didn't until I showed them the law.
Viking603 t1_jdmffm5 wrote
Reply to comment by kindDan93 in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
The govt shouldn't care.
Viking603 t1_jdmf46k wrote
Reply to comment by BackItUpWithLinks in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
Or you could know the law and educate the inspector/cop.
Viking603 t1_jdmezsw wrote
Reply to comment by ThisIsNotTuna in How is it possible that there are NH plates out there with dark tinted front windows? by ThisIsNotTuna
Did you measure the tint?
Viking603 t1_jdm626j wrote
Viking603 t1_jdcdhov wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in North Hampton Chief Leaves After Investigation Into Questionable Arrest by L-V-4-2-6
The Litchfield police chief has been on paid leave for 15 months while his sexual assault of another officer is investigated.
Viking603 t1_jcbbddb wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good places to target shoot on public land ? by [deleted]
Yep. My town had the town voting yesterday, and the fuckers for for every big money item. ALL of it.
The only thing they said no to, was expanded hours for the LIBRARY!!! The one item that would have cost the least on the whole list. 🙄
Viking603 t1_jcbazaq wrote
Reply to comment by NewAcctCuzIWasDoxxed in Good places to target shoot on public land ? by [deleted]
Very true.
Viking603 t1_jca6h25 wrote
Too many MAssholes have moved up here and spoiled any shooting on public land. Too many complaints from them and the towns cave.
They've tried shutting down a couple of gun ranges but that hasn't worked so far.
Viking603 t1_jbo5lmm wrote
Reply to NHSP: ‘Push the envelope’: Unit at center of police-transparency case has history of illegal stops and searches by DeerFlyHater
Don't trust cops and the govt that support them.
Take Litchfield, their police chief has been on paid leave for 15 months. Nice vacation.
Viking603 t1_jbo3gtt wrote
58 miles X 5280 Ft./mile = 306,240 feet
306,240 feet X 12 inch/foot = 3,674,880 inches
3,674,880 ÷ $1,500,000 = 2.45 inches/$1
For $2 you could support almost 5" of border.
Viking603 t1_jbja4lr wrote
Reply to Kusterand and Pappas vote to keep troops in Syria despite no authorization to have them there. Why? by klem18
Have to keep the spice flowing.
Viking603 t1_jbj6x9p wrote
Reply to New Hampshire recipes by chesmith2000
American chop suey.
Viking603 t1_jb9l8kb wrote
Reply to Do you “air out” your house/apartment/etc about this time of year? Is there a certain temperature you air it out? Any tricks/ideas to airing it out? by FenwaysMom
I do it every time the temp is above 45°for a few hours. Open all the windows and let the air move. It's a very healthy thing to do.
Viking603 t1_ja7hz9e wrote
Viking603 OP t1_ja0vfao wrote
Reply to comment by Gatsby1923 in "Mistakenly" shredded all the passports? by Viking603
They're too busy with the misparked trailer in Manch.
Viking603 OP t1_j9ytudb wrote
Reply to comment by procrastinatorsuprem in "Mistakenly" shredded all the passports? by Viking603
Happened at the Kancamangus Lodge. A British school group traveling here went to checkout and were told 44 passports were "mistakenly shredded". The group then had to travel to NYC to get replacement documents so they could board the plane back home.
Viking603 OP t1_j9yt91p wrote
Reply to comment by Whynotyours in "Mistakenly" shredded all the passports? by Viking603
And all the extra hotel costs.
Viking603 OP t1_je611v5 wrote
Reply to comment by Doug_Shoe in The real reason they want to secure the Northern border. by Viking603
Where did you find it?
The game reserve in/near Croydon had hogs I read. And the hogs made/found holes in the fence to escape through.