Vindicaretaker t1_j2dponb wrote
Reply to comment by Schakarus in [WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet. by beetledee_
Thank you very much.
To be honest, I didn't intend to take too much from any franchise, but I guess some overlap was inevitable. I knew there would be some sort of parallel with GR, simply because the Prompt asked for a villain with... well, pretty much a Penance Stare. But I didn't want to make an antihero who kills because "there are no true heroes", so I decided to make his "Karma" unfair. Usable even against those who used violence as a last resort. I guess I've touched the MHA territory, but to be honest, when I was writing my Story it didn't even cross my mind.
Vindicaretaker t1_j2dny4k wrote
Reply to comment by Blaze6942 in [WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet. by beetledee_
Hey, at least you were his first! Imagine being his second kill, nobody cares about those.
Vindicaretaker t1_j2c1oqo wrote
Reply to [WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet. by beetledee_
It's that easy. "Karma" they call it, the "Contrappasso". I call it blind, for it knows not what it does. A blind judge is no judge at all. She sees no truth, but can hear every lie. My Karma is no justice either. It hears only what I wish it to hear. Only sins. Only harm.
Each and every man does harm in the course of his life. They balance it out by aiding other people, repairing items or healing injuries done by others. It's a simple cycle... and one I ignore.
I tighten my grip. The "Hero" before me is no more than a child. He may wear a mask and black clothing... but he's a child nonetheless. And he too, is powerless before me. I can tell that his greatest sin is making his mother cry. That one is his biggest shame too. He tried to repent many times. Tried to help civillians, tried to save hundreds of lives, just to say that he really tried to do better. And truth is, he did. "Night Walker"... he truly is this country's hope.
But I do not care. Throughout his righteous work he slapped many wrists. One cracked bone is a small price to pay, right? So long as in the end, you've done more good than evil. Well, one crack slowly grows into a hundred. At some point you look at what you've done and you see thousands of cracked bones, each and every one exchanged for tens of saved lives. You're a hero, right?
Well, he's certainly one. But then he decided to cross me. I can tell he's crying by now. I did not even hurt him that much beforehand... and so I know that it's not a lament of pain, but one of fear. He can already tell there's no getting out of this one. The skin on his forearm, once pure and white, now withers into gray. Then it cracks. Then so does the flesh beneath. Within seconds, Night Walker, the impossibly gifted and powerful Night Walker, is reduced to ash.
For a man of my profession that should be an amazing achievement, but I do not even smile. I'm not the kinda villain that laughs after killing... but that one really hit a somber tone. I was once a kid like him. Joined the league, done my service as a sidekick, all the jazz. They really liked the kid who could "Immobilize people who did evil!" Yeah, back then I caused *just* overwhelming pain. Eye for an eye kind of thinking. But then I accidentally stole the spotlight from the wrong "hero" and I learnt that there is no true justice in this world. I don't really blame the guy for thinking I was dead. Even after all these years, the limp isn't getting any better and well, the eye never regenerated.
That man, "The Blaze", was my first kill. More soon followed. They really never connected the dots. There is no innocent man before me. Every brother is a murderer, every sister a whore. What hope do you have? Well, there is one. That when we meet, it is to make business and not war.
"Justice is blind..." that much is true, but she's willing to listen. And this old man's got his silver tongue.
Vindicaretaker t1_j2eilu6 wrote
Reply to comment by Looxond in [WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet. by beetledee_
Oh no, it's the worst enemy of every dark and brooding edgelord! People, better hide your black mascara and nail polish!
Jokes aside, that sounds interesting. Perhaps I will look into that later.