
Vio_ t1_j65tk97 wrote

No, I'm saying that it was made because of the success of Pulp Fiction. It's not that Leonard ripped off Tarantino, it's that the adaptation was greenlit because of the success of Pulp Ficiton.

I added a number of movies that were mostly bad, but specifically made sure to say that Get Shorty wasn't that bad.

I don't know what more I had to do to couch that.


Vio_ t1_iqx52ll wrote

This is actually underselling his career.

He developed the entire process and laboratory requirements to even get viable aDNA results. Before that, ancient DNA studies were almost akin to snake oil in a lot of ways.

He made important discoveries on the FOXP2 gene, did some of the first genetic research on Egyptian mummies, got some of the first mammoth genetic results, worked with insects in amber, and so on.

I highly recommend his quasi-memoir Neanderthal Man: In Search of Lost Genomes. It's an interesting read and also a lot of fun.