
Viper_0 t1_irv2axq wrote

This literally happened to me yesterday. Went surfing for a few hours as I normally do on the weekends and left my iPhone 14 Pro Max in my bag inside my car. While surfing, noticed EMS, a firetruck, and a sheriff pulling up at the top of the cliff where I parked my car with my friend (thought nothing of it)

When finally done surfing, I came back to 20+ missed calls from my emergency contacts (parents, brother) and several calls from 911. Turns out my phone in my bag while PARKED detected a "car crash" and let everyone know.

Of course, I couldn't respond because I was surfing for several parents literally thought I died in a car crash for a moment.

I checked to see if my car had maybe been hit by someone else to see if that triggered it but not everything was perfectly fine just a complete false alarm