
VoodooVedal t1_j2d1ymt wrote

Yet again you fail to understand my point completely, and now I'm sick holding your hand through it like a child. Everything I need to say I've already said. If you have difficulty understanding that, read it again. If you want to cry about it more, I don't care so dont come to me with that shit.


VoodooVedal t1_j2d0hgo wrote

Very rich for you to talk about anyone not knowing shit when all you do is pull claims out of your ass and get angry when people tell you why they're wrong. Get over it and move on, you might end up better off after if you try to progress yourself instead of fighting to justify your mistakes

Your interests very obviously don't support the black community when you victim blame them and judge them more harshly than their white counterparts. You're a bullshitter who has no idea what you're talking about


VoodooVedal t1_j2cxszk wrote

Just because you're old doesn't mean you understand anything. You're obviously completely ignorant to the racist rhetoric that you share because you think you're special that you dont listen to modern hiphop. That's what I was trying to teach you, but now I can see your just a sour old sack who thinks he's right because he's spent so much time being ignorant and arrogant already

I've responded to each bullshit claim you've made so far, I back out because you're an ignorant fool who doesn't want to change his mind, even when he's faced with being wrong

Your points arent hard to comprehend, their logic is flawed. That's your problem. It's not that no ones listening to you, you're just wrong


VoodooVedal t1_j2cxklr wrote

This is true, but rock n roll has been assimilated into white culture so much so that rock is more prevalent in white culture these days. It originated through black music 70 years ago, but it isn't the music linked to black culture currently.

Technically most modern popular genres stem from black music like techno, rock, disco, funk and rock n roll. Though these arent as endemic and representative to modern black culture the way hip hop is


VoodooVedal t1_j2amerq wrote

Because you are criticising black music while not holding white music to the same standards. You dont need to specifically say white music is good, just talking shit about black music without doing the same to your beloved metal music is enough


VoodooVedal t1_j2abq3b wrote

Everyone knows cocaine is the preferred drug of 90s metal bands, which has grown in popularity immensely since. I could also bring up metal musics fascination with mass murder events which have also grown hugely since the 00s. I wouldn't bring these up though, because its nonsensical to relate metal music to these increases

Art imitates life, and in turn life imitates art. Which is to blame? The answer is life, as these events always occur before the art. Art must relate to life, but life doesn't need to relate to art

Gangster rap was created based on the lifestyle of impoverished black Americans who were forced to live such a way to get by in a society that disadvantages them based on their ethnic background. This gives a marginalised group of society something that they can relate to and feel proud about, instead of constantly having the idea that they are bad people forced down their throats. Regurgitating this idea that gangster rap is morally bad just reinforces the rhetoric that black people should feel shame due to their disadvantaged backgrounds

When white people create art about topics that are morally questionable people can still see it for what it is, art. When black people create art about topics that are morally questionable people try to shame them, as this fits the narrative that pushes the imbalance of power against these marginalised groups.

So to end it all, it wasnt what you said. It was evidently a satirical comment related to the intentions of what you said


VoodooVedal t1_j2a5oxl wrote

They didn't even bring up rock n roll either.... You've obviously completely missed the point here lol

I can make it even easier for you

White people make morally questionable art: gritty and real

Black people make morally questionable art: bad people who should feel shame for their life-choices


VoodooVedal t1_j29zlux wrote

White people talking about sex, drugs and debauchery in rock and roll: Enlightened and relatable with the grittier side of life

Black people talking about sex, drugs and debauchery in hip hop: Naughty moralless men with autotune