WafflesTheMoose t1_iyj9i99 wrote
Reply to Bucks County Election Deniers File Multiple Petitions to Disrupt Certification of the Midterm Election by Open_Veins_8
Just call them what they are! They're antisemites! They voted for one, they can call themselves one!
WafflesTheMoose t1_iy12iem wrote
Another vote here for Le Tits. Both my mother and sister/bro-in-law/nephew live there(Mom closer to downtown, sister right in Rothsville). Love it there.
WafflesTheMoose t1_iykf9iq wrote
Reply to Dougie's shameless $30 cash grab preying on the gullible masses. by YonderMTN
"Walk as free people*"
*Except you, ya fuckin' Jew/Black/Asian/Woman/anyone who's not a rich white conservative Christian man.
Seriously, can this shit-breathed CHUD just fuck off already?