
WailersOnTheMoon t1_j6jvydk wrote

This is incredibly obnoxious. I’m still on Facebook because we don’t live near our families and our kids’ schools and teams use it to communicate, and any time I’m on Facebook it shuts down Spotify, which wouldn’t be as terrible if any notifications I received after that point weren’t deafeningly loud.


WailersOnTheMoon t1_j5s0ac0 wrote

Not saying she isn’t a big part of the problem, but you shouldn’t poach a woman from a WLW relationship, who’s only ever been involved with women, and then get upset when she continues to love women. This is why I would advise him, being that he is 38 now, to not mess with women who are a lot younger and often don’t have that figured out. Especially since she was apparently only 18 when they got together…18 year olds don’t know shit, and the sink cost fallacy sets in before they figure it out. So many times I see people of both genders staying in relationships out of comfort or because they don’t want to rock the boat. I don’t think he is a monster at all but there could be an argument made for “idiot.”


WailersOnTheMoon t1_j1y4p2z wrote

I didn’t know shit about office chairs but when my old office closed and they sent the few remaining employees they hadn’t laid off home to work remotely, I grabbed the office chair I thought was the coolest looking, from one of the abandoned executive offices.

Turns out it’s an Aeron and I saved myself a ton of money.