
WarrenPuff_It t1_j30cta8 wrote

Do you understand how easy it is to recycle gold off electronics? What makes you think a tennis court would be a difficult surface to separate gold from?

You dont need to remove it from the tennis court, you can dig up the whole tennis court and dissolve the gold in a solution and reconstitute it as a purified ball of gold. You can just shovel the whole thing into a smelter and melt it off. Everything not gold will float to the top.

This is a non-event, if people are willing to dig a mile underground through quartz and granite using explosives and mercury baths to get gold dust out of the ground, why do you think a tennis court will be any type of obstacle? It would be picked clean that day.


WarrenPuff_It t1_iswgzh8 wrote

We assume that a lot of ancient monuments that are built for (or assumed) aligning with celestial bodies were built directly from the ground up using markers and aligning things with your eyes. Not like making a map and then charting things out.

It's easier to place a stick in the ground and mark off seasonal elongations of a star or planet's path, directly on the place you want to build it, and far more accurate that way than using a hand drawn map for reference.