
t1_jeesdrn wrote

Like I said none of this was intentional, my weed guy just offered to sell mushrooms to me. I've been to my share of music festivals and am no rookie so I said sure. Threw them in a coffee grinder and sprinkled the dust over peanut butter sandwiches. I also later tried psilocybin truffles in Amsterdam, I highly suggest.


t1_jeeq25b wrote

I was a severe alcoholic for a long time and finally in 2021 I started microdosing psilocybin. My gameplan wasn't to stop drinking or anything, I just suddenly had a regular supply. Well after a few weeks I wasn't drinking nearly as much, and just had a light steady body high. 2 years later I have a beer every now and again, but I'm a far way off of drinking whole handles of whisky a day.

My story is 100% anecdotal, but whether it is psychosomatic or the real deal, I am now healthier than I ever was and have 0 cravings for alcohol.