plot twist, they’ve more than likely have already been using it for way longer than it’s been available to Joe Consumer-maybe by as long as a decade. Its probably being used to help predict diplomatic, economic and military espionage, warfare, social patterns and development scenarios and other outcomes involving for threats to our country by subversive actors both foreign and domestic. (so yes, that includes you)
Watermansjourney t1_jc8vdvm wrote
Reply to What can a ChatGPT developed by a well-funded intelligence agency such as the NSA be used for? Should we be concerned? by yoaviram
plot twist, they’ve more than likely have already been using it for way longer than it’s been available to Joe Consumer-maybe by as long as a decade. Its probably being used to help predict diplomatic, economic and military espionage, warfare, social patterns and development scenarios and other outcomes involving for threats to our country by subversive actors both foreign and domestic. (so yes, that includes you)