
Weak_Management_8329 t1_j7qkkqc wrote

I made an account just for this comment. At a quick glance, the budget is 73% salaries. It's pretty easy to pinpoint where you need to reallocate.

I would start with luxury programs such as the Equity Unit and College Readiness. Equity unit, not sure what that's doing in a school system that is primarily comprised of minority students.

I would then move on to the College Readiness initiatives because BCPS students attend college at abysmally low rates and graduate college at even lower rates. It's better to give students a good high school education and no college than a shitty high school education followed by, again, no college. College is for when your students can pass basic proficiency tests, until then it's money down the drain.

I would then start an internal RoI review of highly paid personnel, starting with administrators first and leaving academics for last. Does your work product justify your salary? If not, there is someone out there who will do it for cheaper.

This is one of the highest funded education systems in the country per student. The issue is clearly not a lack of money, it's in how the money is spent.
