
Weaponized_Puddle t1_j7i1d50 wrote

I disagree, I think the liquor tax being so small and unnoticeable is the reason a big black market for liquor exists.

I also disagree that our government is competent to shut down these theoretical stores if they existed in the same vein as the weed stores.

The whole illegal weed store situation could simply be solved by less government regulation on weed. Then people would be buying through the channels that it would actually be taxed through.


Weaponized_Puddle t1_izxspip wrote

Per capita undeniably. The good pizza to population ratio here is so good. There’s only one distinguished pizza place that people will leave the island for, but that’s exclusively for Sicilian so it doesn’t even count.

I’m sure someone can point to a luxury pizza place that cost $30+ a pie that has SI beat in Manhattan or something, but that’s cheating. Our ‘average’ pizza is good pizza in other boroughs.

Also, we have a niche we absolutely dominate in: crunchy thin crust pizza. People will drive all the way to CT to get Pepe’s, but we have them beat.