Welcomefriends85 t1_iznxyyj wrote
Reply to Just a wicked cool dude by reefer_roulette
The scariest part about this is you know he has a group of buddies who all think his “car” is badass
Welcomefriends85 t1_iyb8evx wrote
Reply to comment by Anxious_Aide_2091 in Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
I saw a “fuckbiden” plate recently in Maine
Welcomefriends85 t1_iyb8947 wrote
Reply to comment by maggiewaggy in Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
Same, I’m from northern CA. It seems like 1/500 people there have a vanity plate. Here it seems like 1/15
Welcomefriends85 t1_iyb7k3h wrote
Reply to Personalized license plates by Several_Acadia
I moved here a year ago from the west coast. Agree. I have never seen so many personalized plates in my life.
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwxevox wrote
Reply to comment by teeeray in Earlier this week by deltapapa1
Is that true?
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwxeoue wrote
Reply to comment by Remarkable_Culture97 in Earlier this week by deltapapa1
You have a lot of good ideas and I agree with you, the forest fires in the long run are a good thing. But still..temps are rising. We know we produce a lot of heat the way we make energy. How can this not matter? If controlled burns, deforestation can have an impact, then so can working towards lowering the heat output of our energy making systems
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwxbjsj wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Earlier this week by deltapapa1
Seriously, it’s stupid
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwxbhnw wrote
Reply to comment by Remarkable_Culture97 in Earlier this week by deltapapa1
True, they should plan out proper deforestation and the far left can’t see that clearly, fair enough. But I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden, and in line with warming temps and erratic rainfall, the fires are due purely to too much dense forest. The forest has been the same for many years. The temps are conclusively rising. In CA there were massive fires in semi residential areas, rural areas, sea coast, everywhere, all in line with drought and rising temps. Also, fires in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, British Columbia, Alberta, and Australia. Also NASA, on their website, explicitly shows how rising temperatures are largely man made and clearly affecting the climate. I wish it wasn’t true, but there is just so much evidence it seems irresponsible at this point to blame the Left, when the Right outright denies that it could even happen and isn’t happening and will never happen. That’s their position..and it’s wrong
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwx6nw2 wrote
Reply to comment by Remarkable_Culture97 in Earlier this week by deltapapa1
But 72 in November is not normal fall now is it? So maybe they have a point. But then again, I just moved to NH less than a year ago from CA, so what do I know? Oh yeah, we had mega sized fires in CA the last five years when that never happened before and now I’m in NH and everyone here can’t believe how long it stayed warm..hmmm..yeah Greta is out of her mind, not you
Welcomefriends85 t1_iwppghk wrote
Welcomefriends85 t1_ivic8cu wrote
Reply to comment by McMagz1987 in Any of my fellow New Hampshirites playing this GIANT Powerball? If you hit, what would you buy? by Beneficial-Hand4310
You sound like a hot catch..
Welcomefriends85 t1_jc65u63 wrote
Reply to A sand sculpture I made this afternoon by skabobbin
Creepy af