
Westbrook_Level t1_j9j7fz3 wrote

Yes if you think about it communal bats living in a cave are like humans living crammed in a city, the absolute worst case scenario for disease transmission in a population. Maybe even worse because they don’t have houses they retreat to and are constantly exposed to everyone crawling around.


Westbrook_Level t1_izoprb2 wrote

Can someone update this question with a proper answer? It’s one of the first google results when trying to find out how much hydrogen is actually used in a hydrogen bomb and the answers are so wildly different that I don’t know which is right.


We got 17kg, 771kg and 10,000 kg!


Westbrook_Level t1_ixmig0i wrote

We almost always use 5% DMSO. It works best in my experience.


Then frozen slowly in vials in something like this.


When thawing you went a fast thawing process so putting the vial in a water bath at body temp works well.