WhiplashMotorbreath t1_j05yu4f wrote
Reply to comment by tjrad815 in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Yes they evolve, and Christmas is a spending holiday of gift giving, and making kids happy. Not a religion based one to the general public at large. It evolved into this 70 odd years ago.
Do you need a safe space, when you see a pine tree with lights on it?
Does a cross on the side of the highway where someone lost their life and friends and family put flowers and photo's send you into a rage?
What I see and think when I read about folks getting offended over this, or anything else that doesn't really matter, is they have no life, and are unhappy, and need to be offended to feel like they are Alive. As they hate everything. And this state is chock full of them.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_izwwyka wrote
Reply to comment by tjrad815 in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Sure it is, fine me a pine tree in Rome 2000 years ago.
Never mind the birth of Jesus isn't the 25th of dec.
But facts don't matter to those looking to be offended, only "feelings"
Only ones with a Strawman are those so ignorant to not know When the birth of Jesus truly is.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_iznpq5c wrote
Reply to comment by cimson-otter in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
In a hospital bed. If I wasn't I'd have been at church after work.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_iznp3zl wrote
Reply to comment by tjrad815 in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Then maybe they should stop, having a tree, and giving gifts, and having the day off. Funny those SO OFFENDED by the holiday, have no issue with having the day off, receiving gifts. And giving their kids gifts.
A tree with lights does not = Christian, Now a manger, yup.
People need to get a hobby other than being OFFENDED by everything.
As for your post about my opinion on how commercialized it is.
Nothing done today has any base of religion. Santa has as much to do with a religion as the tooth fairy . He became a saint because of his actions after the fact. The tree isn't a cross.
For the amount of folks so offended by this holiday, they seem to give gifts to others on it. So the fake outrage is just that FAKE. Or they tell their kids, no christmas for you, no gifts, no nothing.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_izjhx0l wrote
Reply to comment by tjrad815 in In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
TODAY Santa and christmas in the public domain is all about buying crap and gifts.
The public at large does not think santa, and a pine tree with lights as the birth of Jesus. But you do you. and down vote this post of logic and reason . I'm sure you will.
Bless your little offended heart.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_izj4hxs wrote
Reply to In 10 years we won't have any holidays......people have lost their minds... by bostonmacosx
Sadly, today it is a game for many to complain about anything , just to do it, Not that it bothers them truthfully, but just to see if their complaint gets something changed or removed, and cause others to get upset .
It is a game to these types. And sadly we let them get their way.
If I had That towns library card, I'd bring in a tree and set it up. just because. A donation if you will.
I still for the life of me , Can't understand how some connect santa and a tree with a religion , ANY religion. Now if they set up a manger. Then they could connect it to one.
Some people need to find a hobby and get a life.
that said....
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixmiofs wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
The price scanner is the guy behind the counter. hell the scan tool is on the counter in your reach.
You are IGNORANT, you think these owners are rolling in money and are rich. Get a life.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixmi26q wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
Like I said, you have no clue. Wholesale pricing depends on the volume of product you buy, that IS why supermarkets, box stores, amazon, and walmart have cheaper prices, than what a mini mart vendor pricing gets.
And why many minimart owners will go buy their stock at a supermarket when the items are on sale, As they can buy it from the supermarket for less than the wholesale vendor sells it to them. Meaning the Bottle of coke cost them more from the coke vendor than buying it on sale at a supermarket. Same with most of the items in a mini mart that you can also find at a bigger box store.
Again, you have no clue and are IGNORANT!!
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm58gx wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
They have a price scanner. it is at the front of the store.
What part of this don't you understand. The law DOES NOT require a self (read customer) price scanner, just one before being rung up.
Good Day. Go report them, troll. Then when the prices are even higher because if the state decides they are outside the letter of the law and fine them, you can bitch some more. The dumb, it hurts.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm3r6c wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
Sure you have, but can't afford to buy a franchise .
BRB need taller boots
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm3855 wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
Yes I know this. price checker is at the front of the store, just ask. "how much is this" The price checker has to be x feet from any one product. the minimart is small enough that the person checking you out, and price checking, is fine. Don't like it shop elsewhere, simple.
The days of price marking each item left the building in ma a decade ago.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm2zmv wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
Again, you have no clue, good day.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm0tj1 wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
You are IGNORANT. Go buy a franchise minimart/fuel station as seen as you know so much. You have no clue about anything to do with this industry at all. or running a business in general.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixm0goj wrote
Reply to comment by 13E2724M in why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
You have no idea of what you are talking about. Most mini mart/stations are franchise owned. And make almost nothing on fuel sales, and 95% of the money to keep the employees paid and lights on , comes from the store.
But carry on being IGNORANT
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixluwf8 wrote
Reply to comment by Hot-Cry920 in Are new Subarus still above sticker price in Massachusetts? by MojitoSipper
Yes. 2 one in summer 2021(paid 8700 under msrp, but to be fair that was a 2020 left over). and the other, the last day of the last quarter that passed this year.Sept. 30th 2022 bonus it was a Friday to boot.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixluquq wrote
Reply to comment by Paid-Not-Payed-Bot in Are new Subarus still above sticker price in Massachusetts? by MojitoSipper
Think the auto bot, is tilted.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixltnov wrote
Reply to State inspection by Popliteal-
DEPENDS on the repair.
It has to look professional and safe. And metal around it solid.
Booger welds, and welding 1/8th" plate to a unitbody 18 gauge sheet metal in a crumble zone, would be a fail.
Booger welds on a frame (body on frame) and repair questionable . will = fail.
So is the repair questionable? if so you kinda know the answer.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixlr8z5 wrote
Since 2020 it has been a little worse. I chalk it up to Wife's cat passed, and the neighbor at the end of street started to raise Chickens,etc.
We saw a lot less Squirrels this year so that might also have something to do with it also.
I added steel wool to any places they might get in from, the block foundation (cinder block) holes will be next, And a better tighter seal at bulkhead door.
I use a 5gallon bucket drill 2 holes at top (1/4" if that from top) so a dowel can roll in the holes at bucket top but not roll off bucket like just laying it on top of bucket it might., a ramp to get to the dowel and peanut butter on dowel, water in bucket, with a slightly smaller bucket in the 5 gallon , with holes 1/8" drilled in the bottom of the smaller bucket. and one is in basement, one in garage. If a mouse get in, they go for the peanut butter, the dowel spins, and they go for a swim, and come to an untimely end, remove dowel and lift out smaller bucket with the "catch" let water drain out, and send the Catch to the trash barrel. put bucket back, put dowel back and reload with peanut butter. At first had to clean out buckets once a week, now maybe once every 3 weeks (garage) and off and on, in house. Seems after a lot of rain, the house one would have a few catches. but that is about it.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixlp2ys wrote
ANY dealership will sell for under MSRP. You just need to go in the last business day of the month. REMEMBER, a person with a pulse in the showroom they don't want walking out without a sale. What they say in an email or over the phone is not the same as a customer in store and starting to get up to walk out the door, as a no sale.
YOU just have to know ,when to walk in, and when to say, thanks for your time and shake , and get up and get ready to start toward the door. Yes, it takes time, yes you have to stick to your guns, but If time is money, I made 3300.00 an hour from the time I started talking with a sales person till they had the number where I wanted it.
Some can't do it, and fold. I went last business day of the quarter. Let them know I would like that vehicle, but I don't NEED it, Then asked them if they want to watch it drive off the lot, or keep looking at it?
took 2.5 hours not including the test drive, and online research. so 2.5 hours from time we started talking numbers at the desk. Vehicle had a 5k dealer market adjustment on them all. I paid 3250 under msrp.
Good luck, stick to your guns and go in knowing it is ok to get up and start toward the door, they'll make more, and there is tons of dealers. They know this, and why once you start to get up, they ask you to hold on , I'll go talk to the sales manager.
Problem you now have is it is winter time and AWD vehicles are " in season" so wrong time to want to buy.
That said, they will want the 2022's off the lots, before the years end.
But if you can wait till spring.
It is no different than a convertble, in winter no one is buying so they are priced to move, come spring, they want top dollar because wind in hair, warm weather.
Only issue is that waiting till spring, the interest rates will be higher.
So, if you are able to stick to a number and walk if the deal isn't where you want it. find a dealer with what you want and roll in and talk. Worst that can happen is you walk away. Big deal, you can dvr the shows you might miss.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ixlo5zn wrote
Reply to why do so many convenience stores in southeastern MA think it's ok to NOT PRICE ANYTHING in the store? by [deleted]
Maybe you should apply.
Lack of help tends to be the trend.
I never look at prices in a minimart. I just expect it to be almost double what it be in a supermarket.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_iw70kyn wrote
Reply to Relocating? by Loose-Connection-935
I would wait 6 months to a year, the housing market and prices are going to drop ALLOT.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_ivkb0cv wrote
Reply to comment by jp_jellyroll in Rant: MA healthcare is among the best in the country, but insurance is wicked expensive by nebirah
Meh, go back to allowing kids to brown bag it.
Those with issues with nuts, etc make a corner of the lunch room for them.
Tax payers are not going to want to pay more in taxes to fund a lunch program with better food as they know it'll never happen for 1, and the funds just wasted. And most of the tax base don't have children in the schools. Most of the problem is forcing kids to take food and then it just hitting the trash can because the child doesn't like that meal.
The waste in lunchrooms is ASTOUNDING.
Kids might be more open to healthier options if schools teached honestly. and took that outdated for the last 50 years food triangle and trashed it. It might have been a good guild when most worked high labor jobs, but that was 50 years ago.
They don't teach balance, they teach, candy bad, fruit good. soda bad, fruit juice good. When many times this is 100% wrong.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_itpo5in wrote
Reply to comment by P-physicist in Car inspection for Californian Car by P-physicist
So it is stolen? it is the car or the tags?
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_itl426u wrote
Reply to comment by P-physicist in Car inspection for Californian Car by P-physicist
Ya, goto rmv and get mass plates. If the vehicle is here more than 6 months it should have a mass plate anyways. Just make sure cali gets their plate back and all fees are up to date. they don't play when you own fee's on a tag.
WhiplashMotorbreath t1_j2djotr wrote
Reply to comment by BF1shY in Xfinity subscribers, what are we paying for? I haven't had cable in 11 years and I don't watch sports. Xfinity gave me the vaguest answer. by DistilledBrookie7
BULLSYT. they charge you for local channels you can pick up with a digital Antenna . even with the most basic of plans, along with local sports, that you know, the local channel 4/5/7/10/etc cover. Then a franchise fee , I ask them everytime I call how I buy a franchise. as that is another b/s fee. Hell, I've asked them if I return the tv box, what just internet would be a month and they claim they are not sure.
And to top it off, the Town I live in, Well not let fios in. So comcast owns the area, as internet with direct tv or dish blow. Comcast must be greasing the palms of the selectmen As they block fios every time.