WillyWumpLump t1_j6nnukf wrote
Reply to comment by Orcapa in My mom, a Jeep and a german shepherd down by a river in Colombia somewhere in the 60’s. by Curt_Coltrane
This is Reddit. You can use words like pedantic. You have to dumb it down a few notches. 😉
WillyWumpLump t1_j6al4yq wrote
Reply to [I ate] Fish & Chips by Manonthemon
Yum! And the little blue fork is a bonus.
WillyWumpLump t1_j692mmb wrote
Wow. That car is awesome too!
WillyWumpLump t1_j68zlly wrote
Reply to comment by Greigers in My dad, age 18, in 1974 after he arrived in the US by la-noche-viene
Nailed it!
WillyWumpLump t1_j5tlo2q wrote
Reply to Breaking Bad or The Sopranos, and why? by RichAf26
I find it interesting that as both series progressed the main character did more and more terrible things yet I liked them more. I wonder why this is? Maybe we wish we could be Tony or Walter for at least a day and just do what we want. Sopranos was number one for me and BB was a close 2 on series.
WillyWumpLump OP t1_j51xcrg wrote
I looked this information up while rewatching Bowling for Columbine. I know the AMA has taken a stand on gun violence.
WillyWumpLump t1_itoc7as wrote
Reply to Jamie Lee Curtis visiting her dad, Tony Curtis, on the set of "Some Like It Hot" (1959) by Dr_Peach
And such a funny movie,
WillyWumpLump t1_jdxbr73 wrote
Reply to Those two creepy mannequins i found in a farmers market. by Ok-Mirror9426
There are real children trapped in there…