
WinterIsHere0101 t1_j91wgjs wrote

I think you could have probably asked your questions without insulting your previous home and the people there repeatedly. The further you go from Boston the cheaper it will be. You will find good people opertunity to teach almost anywhere in the state.


WinterIsHere0101 t1_iunbzkc wrote

Does anyone have a link to the mailer? I looked at the groups web page and it just looks like boring tax and town business. Something odd about the timing of this right before the election, unless that was the point.

EDIT: There is a link to another story that shows the mailer. The people don't believe the LGBT flag should be flown on town property and are against teaching about LGBT sex related topics in public school. Unpopular opinions maybe but not quite Q level crazy or hate speech in my opinion. It is election season, people getting crazy.