Wishingwings t1_j9nzv4r wrote
Reply to comment by LobYonder in Thought experiments claim to use our intuitive responses to generate philosophical insights. But these scenarios are deceptive. Moral intuitions depend heavily on context and the individual. by IAI_Admin
Definately, but are we sure that dividing every answer in two version is not more adequate?
(Math is already showing this in a lot of ways)
Take the question: “is it okay to hide the truth?”
Imagine a young child being brought up by a widow. It would be significantly impactful to share said truth about the death of the father with the child so young in their life. It would be morally more acceptable to hide the bitterness in this truth from the child untill it is ready.
Now imagine that your best friend saw your partner cheat, and did not tell you about it. Years go on and once you find out about it the entire house of cards collapses.
I think to truthfully say whether answers are of dichotomous nature, we must first answer whether the people we become as we mature are truly us, because they often answer very different to questions than te people we were. While children are individuals, adults are far more cooperative and considerate.
So, what is an individual? Is it defined by who we are becoming as a species, or the way people are born? I think its the nature of how this development expresses itself which shows one of the most troubling characteristics of a human, to sacrifice who you are means to be able to permanently lie to yourself. How is then another adult on this page viable to discuss anything?
Wishingwings t1_j8i595q wrote
Reply to “The principle of protecting our own thinking from eavesdroppers is fundamental to autonomy.” – Daniel Dennett debates the sort of free will it’s worth wanting with neuroscientists Patrick Haggard and philosopher Helen Steward by IAI_Admin
Its like we today debate on topics without learning. Plato and Hegel both spoke on these topics and Daniel Dennett shows no recognition of their works. Says enough
Wishingwings t1_j7jjnga wrote
Reply to comment by Wishingwings in ‘Flow’, comparable to the Chinese concept of Wu Wei, dissolves our sense of self and transforms our experience of time. It’s an antidote to the modern world’s obsession with multitasking, but finding it depends on balancing the challenge of a task against our skill. by IAI_Admin
Also i have to add that most of the points in the article either are a belief, or an extrapolation of basic conciousness.
I will reflect on every point in the article:
- Action-awareness merging:
- I don’t experience a lack awareness of myself separate from the action that i am performing.
- Loss of self-conciousness:
- I don’t lose concern for the self, rather, i am immersed in concern for the self, as with any expression of individuality.
- A sense of control:
- A sense of exercising control without actually trying to be in control is less of a “feature” and more of a mindset. It is the belief that you create alongside your subconscious and that you are not it. It is a separate process from flow. Flow is the connection between the two processes, to respect the back and forth between the conscious and the subconscious is this “control without trying”.
- Transformation of time:
- This is a basic phenomenon that doesn’t mean flow state, it means enjoyment. You could access the flow state in the middle of a presentation and i’m sure time won’t go any faster.
- Autotelic experience:
- The application of personal justified action is neurologically processed in a portion of the frontal lobe, and is only a burden on the flow state. True flow does not abide by beliefs, and you do not need to be motivated to do anything. You simply choose. I have had flow state in more moments of bad feelings than in moments of good ones.
- Concentration on the task at hand:
- This is contradictory to point 3, as the back and forth between the conscious and the subconscious is done in thoughts and experience. I am allowed to be captivated and inspired by my own thoughts if i wish so, i do not need extreme focus on what i am doing. The ability to get distracted externally and internally is rather a blessing.
- Clear goals:
- Clear goals are not a part of the flow state. That would impede a flow state. Flow can form anytime, any moment. It is you who blocks up your natural ability to plan in the moment. Making more plans won’t solve that.
- Unambiguous feedback:
- This is beyond your control. Your feedback is reliant on your surroundings, your thoughts and your emotions. All of those come to you, you cannot expect them. What you can do, is increase your amount of choices made so there is more to reflect on - in case you do not feel like you know what to do, you only find out what you think you do wrong and fix it.
- Challenge-skill balance:
- You do not ever need to question yourself about your abilities. You have all the skill in the world that you will ever need = A human body.
The flow state is not something that is exclusive to some parts of life. Flow can be found anywhere, it is a basic tool that will become an accessible tool in a very broad spectrum.
Take for instance impressionism in art. Thats literally an art style known for working with first impressions, and representing that on a canvas. I think you must pick goals that interest and challenge you greatly. Let the challenges eat you up inside and destabilise your life. You should experience hurdles based on commitment and learn to increase your capacity for taking on big goals. You should never decrease the chance to fail. Your failures teach you everything you will come to know.
Wishingwings t1_j7isgof wrote
Reply to comment by jamminjalepeno in ‘Flow’, comparable to the Chinese concept of Wu Wei, dissolves our sense of self and transforms our experience of time. It’s an antidote to the modern world’s obsession with multitasking, but finding it depends on balancing the challenge of a task against our skill. by IAI_Admin
I believe he is wrong. By his own statement, multitasking could be a ‘task that is sufficiently complex, but not so hard that you burn out.’ How? You can simultaneously clear your mind and focus on a single task by multitasking the experience of what you are doing with sensory experiences. Especially focussing on auditory and visual experience from the external world is very effective at clearing the mind.
Now i propose a paradox. I am sitting still, doing nothing. I devote myself to doing absolutely nothing, and even thinking nothing, now that i can choose to so. The same overwhelming feelings arise when i am doing and thinking nothing, as when i multitask. I am using the principle of ‘resource sharing’, essentially multitasking, proven to enhance focus, on a complex and a simple task.
This leaves me to assume that ‘burning-out’ is nothing more than a placebo-effect. And i get it’s purpose - Something HAS to propel the human mind to think, as this is our primary tool to survival. I believe that we fear thoughtlessness, because it logically decreases our ability to prepare, which is a terrifying reality to a large portion of our brains. The long term memory and the short term memory are frightened, as they both are involved in producing short term planning and long term planning. (Edit: Note that once you are already doing your task, you have little need for active long term planning, all the planning that has to be done is very, very short term, and the conscious thought has almost no place in this moment)
This arises the question: Why is the uncomplicated, mostly sporadic nature of the flow state so laudable, but do we experience fear to invoke it through tricking the brain?
Now i have two answers; you can DM me for the long one, which separates numerical chance into two differing calculations of probability, represented as the quantum relative program (brain) and the special relative program (body), connecting at the point ‘emotion’.
Now i have to get more speculative, and propose that we are all addicted to making choices. Notice that we are only naturally motivated to think, to reflect and plan ahead. We, ourselves, choose which route to take. However you look at it, the next choice is heavily influenced by your surroundings, but it is ultimately made by you.
Especially those surroundings make it hard NOT to make a choice. You are going to die, you will have children in probably max 15 years, or you are already planning for the days that you are going to retire and need a fund. These things make it incredibly hard to sit absolutely still and do nothing. It essentially feels like betrayal to yourself, proposing an illustration of why we feel like thoughtlessness is “wrong.”
But are we crazy for it? Nah. Ofcourse we are hardwired for survival, ofcourse we are hardwired for childbearing. We are however, ignorant. Ignorant of the creative capacity, the incredible progress, the untainted love, the inner peace, and the mindful world, which is attributed to the flow state.
I hope to see your answers, and await the possibility to reflect on new angles on the subject. :)
Wishingwings t1_jb57r2t wrote
Reply to [OC] Canada’s top 10 Sources of Immigration by Country of Citizenship in 2022 by datasciencerookie
Is this the diversity index of linus tech tips?