
Withstrangeaeons_ t1_j6fsauw wrote

I think that your little bro just got Isekai'd to space and is now most likely sailing the stars in vast starships running on propulsion systems beyond our comprehension. Ad Astra, Marty, Per Aspera.

PS: if he isn't, and you're one of those things, then I hope you get sand in your eyes. Iron sand. As an eldritch being myself, subject to several petty assassination attempts, that stuff hurts. A lot.


Withstrangeaeons_ t1_j6fq4zt wrote

In the linked story, I think that the guy should've wished to immediately cease existing, instead of never having existed. Then, he could've gotten what he wanted and not made the universe wonky for a bit.

Also, more plz!


Withstrangeaeons_ t1_j26iz08 wrote

I'm just gonna throw this out there for the people who don't know - reprocessing is a thing.

I've been seeing a bit of discussion about nuclear waste in a few threads, and it kind of infuriates me how ignorant some are, even though I was once just as ignorant.

Google "costs of reprocessing one kilogram of depleted nuclear fuel", "cost to mine one kg of uranium", and "cost to mine one kg of thorium". Then you'll see why it hasn't been widely implemented.

Also google: "uranium in granite", "dose of radiation from a plane flight", and "radioactive material released from coal power per year".


Withstrangeaeons_ t1_j26i3cf wrote

We already have the magic bullet, and we've had it since the US government made nukes. Search up "nuclear waste reprocessing", but also the costs associated with it. Then Google the price to mine one kg of uranium or thorium, and you'll see why reprocessing hasn't been done yet. Sure would be a shame if the unwashed masses decided to just bury all that potential energy, though (in case it becomes more expensive to mine radioactive material), out of fear of anything having to do with radiation.