
Wizardof1000Kings t1_je7sru1 wrote

Its a style of writing that's not everyone's cup of tea. The short chapters are meant to keep the narrative flowing and be a book that you can keep picking up. I believe Rothfuss said he starts his novels with a detailed outline, so it seems his writing process is expanding his outline into scenes, combining those scenes into chapters, and then connecting them to the overall narrative.

Personally I love the way its structured.


Wizardof1000Kings t1_jdn8k5c wrote

I avoid fan groups for any given book, series, or author except when I want to discuss a book or other work. The internet is full of stans who have picked some series, books, or even bibliographies of various authors to be the hill they defend to their dying breath. Let them do what makes them happy and go do what makes you happy.


Wizardof1000Kings t1_jdn83nq wrote

Read what you want, when you want. Don't set a goal like x number of books a year/week/month. Recognize that other forms of media have value too. Take a break after books to think on them. Put the book down and spend sometime outside or going to a museum or whatever you like too.