WozNZ t1_j1a6nga wrote

Reply to comment by peter_picture in Very disappointed by peter_picture

That link points to a cap set that is NOT compatible with your board it is for Q1 & K2 ONLY!!!!

Looks like none of the ISO sets are compatible with your board tbh. This is the reason I only buy cap sets that have loads of extra caps to cover the extra layouts.

I would reach out to Keychron, say you purchased the wrong set and see if they can help you and either send or let you purchase the required caps


WozNZ t1_iy0fqgw wrote

I do remember when keyboards came as is. I used IBM Model M keyboards when they were new and used and purchased more than a few keyboards over the years :)

I guess this might be a better analogy for the point I was trying to make... The fashion industry.

Not sure if you are aware but fashion designs are unable to get IP protection. They tried back in the day but judges etc stamped on the idea saying a cuff or collar is a cuff or collar so because you shape it this way it is still that item. It is why brands have designs where the pattern includes their logo etc. They have protections on the logo so can go to court over the use.

What happens because this lack of protection is that as new "trends" come down the catwalk there are teams of people ready to start the "clone" process to then pump it onto the highstreet in days.

Not sure how well the protection works on keycaps but could very well see that if I say copied the colourway of a set, tweaked the colours ever so slightly so it preserved the "intent" there would be little recourse in law.

As you put above, there are target audiences at different price points. A GMK customer is less likely to buy clones and also a clone buyer is less likely to buy GMK because of the prices.

In the end of the day I think we are almost on the same page but arguing at different angles. A designer should get paid for their work but I can see how the situation happens if you put out a design that is in demand and then make it a year plus before actually available, the clone makers will flood in to fill the void.

Keycaps as you pointed out are just fashion really. We get sets we like the colours of.

I do understand lead times but if GMK are really running that far behind in the order books that would be an indication that they should expand no?


WozNZ t1_iy02xs4 wrote

See the who harming the x argument thing. I havr heard that over the decade's in music film games etc

Clones in this case are a symptom of the GMK setup. Games for instance used to have bad piracy but steam made games purchase easy and reasonable and piracy dropped.

Then look at tv and movies. Netflix made big inroads to piracy. Then companies got greedy and started their own services. Made watching harder and piracy went up

If GMK made keycaps and listed what they made clones would not have the same impact. But as they announce then make you wait 1-2 years clones come out and have a head start. GMK are the ones hurting the artists here imho


WozNZ t1_ix941de wrote

I use keychron OSA at work. Love the shape. Also just used the Keychron K Pro Silver in a build. They feel nice to type on

Should make a nice board with those parts :)


WozNZ t1_iwkc5xg wrote

Reply to comment by Enginseer68 in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

Thanks for the capslock hint. That makes a lot of sense in that you can switch layer and stay on that layer. Capslock is one of the few keys I hardly use normally.


WozNZ t1_iwkblog wrote

Reply to comment by QWERKey-UK in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

I run a Q6 at work and love it. Has a higher pitched tone to it for typing sound but sure you could dampen that out of it with some work, but I sort of like its sound if I am honest.

But get what you mean on the keychron design style. I have the black case and so simple in design that it is a nothing sort of look as simple "function over form" looks.


WozNZ t1_iwkb01q wrote

Reply to comment by Stumpy-_- in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

It is standard for the internet, no?

From experience there are too many people that when someone says something that does not sit with their view they take it as a personal insult for some insane reason :)

Sort of "How dare you not like 60%, that is my favourite" click down lol

Won't be the 100% crowd, there are like 5 of us and I am one of them in here and engaged in the discussion so that only leaves 4 others and they are occupied looking for a 100% kit to build


WozNZ t1_iwflmlv wrote

This is true of most formats apart from 60/65%.

I prefer TKL and 100% and that gets even more difficult and expensive than 75%