If you're going to open up a new credit card, you might consider one that has better rewards than you currently have and/or an eqvalent sign-on bonus or better.
To me, it's a risk/reward decision. But $100 off does seem alittle low reward to me. I just opened up a one that got me a $200 sign-on bonus and 0% APR for a year.
WrathOfMayo t1_j2a282d wrote
Reply to $100 off new tires if I open a Goodyear Visa. Any reason not to? by Suspicious-Class-766
If you're going to open up a new credit card, you might consider one that has better rewards than you currently have and/or an eqvalent sign-on bonus or better.
To me, it's a risk/reward decision. But $100 off does seem alittle low reward to me. I just opened up a one that got me a $200 sign-on bonus and 0% APR for a year.
Just my two-cents.