
Xanthis t1_jdtud5g wrote

Oh I don't doubt that there are hundreds of videos like this that aren't propaganda. The problem is, the Chinese government has one of the largest propaganda 'machines' in the world. Its the whole reason that we are having this conversation in the first place. Theres so much doubt about what's real and whats not.

One of the things I've noticed in some of the videos I've watched since we started this thread, (not just the one you linked, but a couple others too) is that the people being interviewed are in what I would call the 'top 5-10%'. They all tend to be wearing rather nicely made, fashionable and expensive looking clothing/jewelry and accessories. Now keep in mind, 5-10% of China is like 50,000,000 to 100,000,000+ people. These people of course are going to be far better educated and more knowledgeable of the outside world. The same 'percentage' bias exists in every country, thats nothing new. Its just that its a bit easier to find them when there's like a hundred million of them. The other thing about this group of people, is that most of their families can afford private schooling. Private schooling teaches a lot more accurately than the public system. The public school system in China is basically ra ra China good other countries bad.

I would still say thats not representative of the average person. Again, I'm leaning on my experience of actually having traveled quite a bit of China. There are a significant percentage of people in China who might only have 2 or 3 pairs of clothing and live in what basically amounts to a hovel. While they might have a computer, its usually running COS (China Operating System) and that OS is so heavily information controlled its comparable to what you would expect someone in North Korea to be using. It is heavily locked down, and when you go to a website that you can access with say an iPhone, it may have different content depending on what the Chinese government has decided that website should actually have. The website will look the same at first glance, but things will be altered to fit the government narrative.


Xanthis t1_jdsw42p wrote

You do realize that a cherry picked video with a super small sample size of people interviewed in another country isn't a great representation of most of the country?

Having traveled through a significant amount of China more than once, i can say with absolute certainty that this video is basically hand picked propaganda. And even if its not, more people in Beijing have traveled than any other city other than Hong Kong or maybe Shenzhen, and all 3 cities put together are an incredibly tiny slice of the total population of China.

The vast majority of people in China quite simply have no idea how the world works outside of China. The great firewall has a big part in that, and the fact that the Chinese government has been heavy handed in controlling the school system to 'fine tune' what people ARE taught about other countries, if other countries are even talked about.


Xanthis t1_j5ipyq2 wrote

Sure your device might have a fair bit of horsepower, but also keep in mind that skyrim isn't capable of using ARM cpus without hardware emulation (currently) which adds SIGNIFICANT overhead. Not only that, but it wouldn't be able to use more than one cpu core. As for which one, your guess is as good as mine.

Also cellphone ARM cpus don't have layer 2 or layer 3 cache, and some don't even have layer 1 cache. This alone is enough to basically negate any possibility of a cellphone running desktop workloads.

You also didn't account for any performance required to actually render things. The cpu on the phone may be capable of the simulation calculations, but it straight up doesn't have the horsepower to do those AND render the simulation.

There's a reason that phone cpus draw 5W at the most and even basic power efficient laptops have a minimum TDP of 15W. A significant amount of that power is going to fetch actions to and from the various caches on the cpu.


Xanthis t1_j5ip72l wrote

The apple M1 is a VERY different beast from the ARM device here. It has a significantly increased number of instruction sets supported, as well as is capable of x86 and amd64 emulation. While you can absolutely run windows 10arm on one of these, you will be significantly limited to what software is designed for ARM.

We deal with the surface Pro X a lot at work, and getting something as simple as a printer driver to work consistently a ROYAL PITA. And those are devices that DO have x86 and AMD64 (Win11) emulation built right in. Running something like as complex physics engine is a total different ballgame. While it most definitely can be done, it requires the cpu to do a huge amount more work because it has to emulate a different architecture since most physics engines don't support ARM in the slightest.

I'm not saying its not possible with any ARM chip, I'm just saying its extremely unlikely with that one. Even if you could get it to run without crashing (good luck, skyrim is crashy on a good day), you would be looking at a sideshow.