Xengard t1_ixqo4ju wrote
Reply to comment by dpdxguy in Orion snaps 'selfie' with the Moon as it prepares for distant retrograde orbit | Insertion burn scheduled to take place today then engineers have six days to see how spacecraft fares in deep space by chrisdh79
i think its because the space between the earth and moon is called "cislunar space", probably because its different in terms of orbital mechanics? idk
Xengard t1_iy5w1a4 wrote
Reply to comment by ferrel_hadley in China outlines pathway for lunar and deep space exploration by Zhukov-74
>Of the space faring nations, US is out
it's been out, but that can change. i feel like space industry may grow a lot in the recent future and that may change USA's position. but it cant be known for sure.