
Xile350 t1_iyf1wk2 wrote

Same boat as you and most of the same complaints. I actually switched from an s22 ultra so I had the best offering from android at the time and it’s the same story. Notifications are by far the worst downgrade for me. I miss so many things. Only thing I wanted to mention is that I’m running the latest iOS beta and they did add the option for a black screen for always on display which is nice. I’ve definitely noticed a small uptick in battery life. In terms of iMessage, I’ve mainly noticed the difference in sending videos. In the past if someone on an iPhone sent me a vid it was a pixelated mess, and the few people I knew on android didn’t use RCS so it wasn’t any better. Now I can send and receive vids in crystal clear resolution seamlessly. Airdrop is also nice when I occasionally use it.