
Yanlex t1_iszdv8x wrote

It was literally declared a superfund site 30yrs ago. That shouldn't be surprising in and of itself.

I wish they released the actual measured amounts detected. It says they detected "22x the amount of radioactive lead-210 expected at the playground". Uhh... what exactly is the "expected amount" of radioactive material that is found at an elementary playground?

EDIT: Here is the actual report. Its pretty bad. They specifically call out the Army Corps of Engineers for doing a negligent job on earlier testing.



Yanlex t1_isby2q3 wrote

I'm assuming the buyer didn't have an agent, so there was only one realtor involved (OP's/the sellers). With only one realtor, OP would only have to pay one commission, but if the buyer had a realtor he would have to pay their commission too (traditionally the seller pays both commissions). So OP's realtor tried to get the buyer to sign him as his realtor, after the deal had already been made, just so he could double dip on the commission (screwing over his actual client) without doing any work.