
Yashema t1_iy50vty wrote

> Considering they are practically definitionally correlated, I think everyone who knew the terms was aware.

In the Psypost article:

> Study participants completed an assessment of sexual distress that used items from the Sexual Complaint Screener for Men (SCS-M), of body image self-consciousness (Male Body Image Self-Consciousness Scale), partner-oriented sexual perfectionism (Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism Questionnaire) and pathological narcissistic traits of vulnerable, and grandiose narcissism (Pathological Narcissism Inventory, PNI)

They measure two different things in the field of psychology.

> You evidently have more time to waste than I do. Cheers.

You evidently have no ability to follow scientific discussion and can't even read a simple press release.



Yashema t1_iy4uwwe wrote

Again, if you only read the context provided by PsyPost you would see your equivocation of the two terms shows an incorrect understanding of how the terms are defined in the field of psychology:

> Study participants completed an assessment of sexual distress that used items from the Sexual Complaint Screener for Men (SCS-M), of body image self-consciousness (Male Body Image Self-Consciousness Scale), partner-oriented sexual perfectionism (Multidimensional Sexual Perfectionism Questionnaire) and pathological narcissistic traits of vulnerable, and grandiose narcissism (Pathological Narcissism Inventory, PNI).

The two concepts measure different things.


Yashema t1_iy4pbmo wrote

> Psypost doesn't appear to distinguish based on quality, probably because their business model is making ad revenue from as many studies as possible.

Psypost doesnt publish studies, they just provide further context for often paywalled studies.

The study has to be from a journal of a certain impact score or it gets removed from the sub.

> Then for whatever reason, low quality studies are posted here with the link to Psypost rather than the actual study.

What makes this a low quality study? It seems lazy to attack Psypost which is nothing more than a online site that does press releases for psychologically focused studies while linking directly to the study.


Yashema t1_iu4kfak wrote

It might help if poor people werent so underpaid and overstressed they are always ready to snap at a moment's notice.

A big problem in the US is we will divert money for the children, but not for the adults, whereas in say Europe adults have access to lots of social programs, the number one being nationalized healthcare, but also rent assistance/low income housing. If lower income parents had a solid roof over their head and health care insurance they would have far more energy and patience for parenting.