
t1_jd2h7na wrote

It’s still going to get dark.

In the middle of the day.


In the span of a couple minutes It goes from “shadows are weird shaped!” to “okay, weird light, like when it’s snowing but sun shines through a bit” to “huh, THIS ain’t right” to full-on “ohmygod…” except whispered, because it feels wrong to speak out loud in normal voice.

I drove three hours last time to park at the side of a dirt road running through a field. Totally worth it.


t1_j2eyhwb wrote

I think the point they are trying to make is that two equivalent companies with shares currently worth $100, one paying a 4% dividend and one not paying any dividend, with both experiencing a 5% profit growth over the year, the dividend-paying company would pay you $4 over the course of a year and be worth $101 per share at the end of the year, while the other company would be worth $105 a share.