
YoureSpecial t1_j1znzcc wrote

IIRC the Navy did a couple studies after a rash of collisions and other ship casualties. The net result was to shorten the shifts in certain critical command/control positions - Officer of the Deck, Navigator, helmsman, Weapons Officer, etc.

The critical factors in all the casualties they investigated was that decision-making abilities and accuracy declined dramatically after a fairly low number of hours where these people were dealing with a state of constant information overload.

The shortened shifts flew in direct opposition to the prevailing “man up and deal with it” culture prevalent for so long. In the end, safety won out.


YoureSpecial t1_izft9pl wrote

Some diseases/vaccines are that way. When I was a kid, we had to get cholera vaccines every six months; typhus, typhoid, & yellow fever (iirc) were annual.

I think DTaP, or whatever the correct name is, has a 10-year limit, at least the tetanus part. It also appears that you can’t get the standalone tetanus vax any more. I buried a fish hook in my finger (2/0 past the barb; it hurt) and the dr said I should get a tetanus shot; they only had DTaP.