Anecdotal but my great grandfather was 6’10”. All four of my grandfathers sisters were over 6’4” and born in the roaring 20s. My grandfather was born in 1935 at the height of the Great Depression and he was only 5’5”. Most of my family is over 6’3” except for the branch from my grandfather, we are just average height respective of gender.
Youredumbstoptalking t1_iy6ux2x wrote
Reply to How the Great Depression shaped people’s DNA. Researchers have found that the cells of people who were conceived during the Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1939 and, at its height, saw about 25% of the US workforce unemployed, show signs of accelerated ageing. by MistWeaver80
Anecdotal but my great grandfather was 6’10”. All four of my grandfathers sisters were over 6’4” and born in the roaring 20s. My grandfather was born in 1935 at the height of the Great Depression and he was only 5’5”. Most of my family is over 6’3” except for the branch from my grandfather, we are just average height respective of gender.