
Yukisuna t1_j2hvcxs wrote

My friend’s favourite ffxiv emote.

I think we all want to do this after first snow. I have when i went to a sauna! “Snow bathing” and then tippy-tapping back into the warmth is amazing.


Yukisuna t1_j1m74o1 wrote

Oh no no no. I’ve been in your position before (but with men), if you don’t tell them it straight they’ll keep working themselves up projecting their feelings for you back at themselves.

Sorry OP, i think it’s too late to salvage this. She might have been into you all this time and just hoping she’d get her chance eventually.

Rip this bandaid off. It’ll only get worse the longer you let this keep going.


Yukisuna t1_izvmplf wrote

Sunk-cost fallacy isn’t good either, use moderation and reflect on whether you are the same person with the same goals as you were when you started. Perhaps in doing it you learnt something new and changed your perspective?