Zarimus t1_j5qfxje wrote
Reply to comment by WirelessBCupSupport in World War II-era map sparks treasure hunt in Dutch village | AP News by oliverkloezoff
There have been a few treasure hunts that have led to a lot of trespassing and property damage. The Beale Cipher is one that comes to mind, and if I'm not mistaken there have been a few missing people searching for the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine.
Zarimus t1_iu0atek wrote
We direct our outrage at the corporation exploiting tax loopholes, but really, we should be prosecuting the politicians that write these loopholes into law.
Zarimus t1_jcfdq1v wrote
Reply to Poor sleep in middle age can have a negative impact on brain health, according to a study by researchers at The Australian National University by chrisdh79
Or does poor mental health contribute to bad sleep habits?