
Zeniphyre t1_j6ibcr5 wrote

Yes and no.

I'm finishing up a doctorate in pharmacy and the thing is that there are soooo many factors that go into drug blood concentrations. Genes, the drug in question, diet, underlying conditions, kidney function (hard to tell when they are deceased), etc. All play a factor in drug concentrations.

We do however have basic pharmacokinetics diagrams that can apply to a lot of drugs across large populations. Most of the time they are very basic equations though, usually only considering age, weight, height.

There isn't really a perfect answer here.


Zeniphyre t1_j0fv1my wrote

"Evolutionary dead end"

Buddy, I do not believe for one second, after seeing all of your comments here, that you are going to be spreading your gene pool to the future lmao. You're melodramatic and entirely self obsessed with your arguments. I doubt your social interactions are much different.


Zeniphyre t1_j0fumrj wrote

No, human life existing as a number is not valuable, and no, you do not acknowledge the reasons. We cannot even secure a stable existence for a large part of the population that we already have due to shortages in food, housing, power, etc. You cannot even fundamentally begin to grasp how our current population is obliterating other species and our environment and your argument is "dismantle Mars for resources".

You're going to live and die on this rock with no impact on the future. Throwing a hail mary at some nonsensical "we should have even more people but we should dismantle Mars" theory benefits nobody and refuses to address actual problems that are already here and at our doorstep.

There's nothing else to argue here. Your ideas benefit nobody and are entirely tone deaf to reality. They're entirely unfeasible and have zero grounding in reality. Your "I value life" grandstanding makes no sense when your argument is to expand a population that already cannot keep up with itself. You don't care for life. We have already obliterated countless species in the process of expanding. They do not matter because you care about numbers.

Here's a number for you. Your impact on the future of humanity is 0. Have fun with reality.


Zeniphyre t1_j0ftd2n wrote

How the fuck is saying "don't have 8 billion people" "ending our existence? I value the preservation of the natural world far more than inflating a population for no reason other than to have more people. No, I don't value population numbers more than the environment. That's an idiotic line of thinking.

I don't know who needs to tell you this, but you will not have any impact on the future of humanity. It's not up to you. You can be "unwilling to roll over and die" but that is literally all you can do, and all you will do. You don't want humanity to go extinct but you refuse to even acknowledge the reason we are heading in that direction in the first place.


Zeniphyre t1_j0fscrb wrote

Yeah imma stop you right there at that first sentence because it is entirely incorrect. Our extinction is coming BECAUSE of overpopulation. If you have to make other species extinct and you are causing the destruction of your planet to meet the lifestyle needs, you are overpopulated.

It baffles me how deep you all think you are when it is extremely clear that you have little to no foresight on how anything actually works.


Zeniphyre t1_j0frqwd wrote

Earth can be preserved by not having 8 billion people. We don't need to "maximize" our population. This is such a stupid answer to a problem that we already face. "Yeah we have environmental and societal issues now due to overpopulation. The answer is to have more people on a different planet rather than not overpopulating in the first place"


Zeniphyre t1_j0fr79p wrote

I consider you a moron for thinking that value comes from simply exploding a population to unreasonable limits for no reason at all. Not to mention the idiotic thinking of "if a resource exists we should deplete it to have more people". The severe level of brain rot behind this logic is incredible.