
ZhouDa t1_iu8vygo wrote

No, it's very real and they can even make small amounts of antimatter and store it if they contain it in a magnetic field since contact with matter turns it all into energy. Whenever they hit a couple particles with a super-collider some of it will be antimatter. The only mystery is why the universe turned out to be made of matter which suggests matter might be more stable or created more often somehow.

Edit: Also a theory means something different to scientists and the way people use it in everyday speech would really mean a hypothesis.


ZhouDa t1_isrz4od wrote


ZhouDa t1_irs8jhc wrote

Not sure, but I doubt their basis for classifying them as languages is different than anywhere else in the world. For example Spanish and Portuguese I hear has a good degree of intelligibility yet are classified as separate languages, same with Russian and Ukrainian.