Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycstni wrote
Reply to Scientists Reconstruct Face of 19th-Century Man Accused of Being a Vampire by That-Situation-4262
so they dug his bones up and placed the thigh bones over his chest to prevent him from walking around should he come back to life as a vampire-zombie and start killing everyone!?
interesting that he died of tuberculosis. he would have coughed up blood toward the end. I wonder if that played into the idea that he was a vampire... i.e. often have blood around and in his mouth.
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycs02j wrote
Reply to An extensive cache of Aztec ritual offerings provides new insight into pre-Hispanic religious rites and political propaganda — excavations continue in downtown Mexico City, where the empire's holiest shrine was historically situated by marketrent
thats amazing. there cant be too many times in life when you uncover a jaguar dressed as a warrior. cant wait to see whats underneath
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycrn9w wrote
Reply to Lost islands cited in Welsh folklore and poetry are plausible, new evidence on the evolution of the coastline of west Wales has revealed by marketrent
really interesting, thanks
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycrgme wrote
there are a lot of "I think" in this article without much explanation of why and what new evidence there might be to support it
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycqy5o wrote
Reply to Researchers in Galicia open 15th-century tomb to test Columbus link theory. Explorer is generally believed to have been born in Italy in 1451 but some argue he was in fact born in Spain by ArtOak
what a badly written article. no explanation of what the reasearchers are looking for other than "DNA" and how/why this would prove columbus' place of birth...etc
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycqcsp wrote
Reply to Why Isn’t the New Testament in Latin? by ItaloSvevo111
Greek was the language most educated people spoke and was often used as the language of choice amongst educated people within the roman empire. Certainly by the time of the early church, the Eastern roman empire was the more powerful and culturally significant, and Greek was the more popular language there
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycpz6i wrote
Reply to Medieval shipwreck discovered in Norway during hunt for WWII ammunitions - could be one of Norway's oldest shipwrecks has been found on the bottom of a lake near Oslo. by ArtOak
If its medieval in design then there are certainly older shipwreaks discovered i.e. plenty of viking ships...etc? is this just the author being silly or am i missing something here?
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycppoq wrote
looks like the wangs will have to wait for Tom Holland to get back from Scotland before we can get a definitive answer to this question!
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycp7lb wrote
Reply to On April 2, 1941, a Japanese foreign minister asked Pope Pius XII to speak to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, so as to avert "a war of mutual destruction” by marketrent
very interesting article. thanks
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycoqy1 wrote
Reply to comment by antipop1408 in Faces from the past – Stucco Maya masks unearthed at Toniná by IslandChillin
I was thinking the same thing... really interesting
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iyconbo wrote
Reply to 30,000 Medieval items available online for the first time --- Seven European institutions created a database of 34,000 new images of medieval items, including manuscripts, books, and coins. by Culturedecanted
just had a look through this. realy good stuff. some public domain, some copyrighted
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_ivukib0 wrote
Reply to They fled persecution in Nazi Germany. Then the British put them behind barbed wire by lanzkron
it is a little known aspect of ww2 in britain that many people of italian/german...etc heritage were arrested and detained during the war.
it was called defense regulation 18B
I incidentally found out that Darby Sabini was detained under this law. For anyone who is a fan of the TV show Peaky Blinders, he was the Italian mobster character from the first season.
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_ivpeq31 wrote
Reply to comment by K5Vampire in The mysterious Viking runes found in a landlocked US state by bafangoolNJ
its really sad... journos are so desperate to publish a "scoop" that they will hide behind "objectivity" and print outsider/minority opinions even when they hold zero weight. often gives a false impression of genuine conrtoversy when none actually exists
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_ivpe3l8 wrote
Reply to comment by AmbitiousBird5503 in A 1000-year-old Viking silver treasure found in Sweden by drexa24
yeah... dont forget that they would be paid off with foreign coins... and back then they would have literally been made out of a prescious metal meaning you can melt them down and recast in your own style...etc.
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_ivpdm7y wrote
Reply to comment by VoloNoscere in Discovery of bronzes rewrites Italy’s Etruscan-Roman history by VoloNoscere
also wouldnt it be a transition to the Roman Republic, not Empire
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iu5f1sq wrote
Reply to comment by Brattonismybae in Fall of the East India Company by Vailhem
cool thanks will check it out
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itz1t60 wrote
Reply to comment by RiceAlicorn in Enheduanna: The World's First Named Author by SirBettington
I thought it was a joke about the orange eyes. soz
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itynmmh wrote
Reply to comment by Wooster182 in One of the longest ancient Roman inscriptions ever discovered in Britain is to go on display for the first time. by Demderdemden
Do you think the scribes would joke about putting in nicknames to speed things up? Whats the ancient Latin for 'blah blah blah'?
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itync15 wrote
Reply to comment by Memeius_Magnus in World’s oldest Ottoman documents offer window into the past by bhdz
Possibly because "Ottoman Documents" refers to documents from within the Empire itself.... "World's Oldest..." refers to documents referring to Ottoman Empire from outside empire?
Or... the author of the headline just didnt think...
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_ityn2cy wrote
Reply to Fall of the East India Company by Vailhem
William Dalrymple has a great podcast called Empire. I think its the 2nd or 3rd episode where they cover this including the Warren Hastings trial...etc. Well worth a listen to.
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itymw2k wrote
Reply to comment by NtheLegend in Enheduanna: The World's First Named Author by SirBettington
do you think she has Wilson's Disease?
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itty8ab wrote
Reply to TIL Tobacco smoke enemas were used in an attempt to resuscitate victims of near drowning. by sTroPkIN
Doctor what are you doing?..
...I'm giving the victim a tabacco smoke enema because he nearly drowned.
TIL The European 30 Years' War 1618 - 1648 began with Czech nobles throwing two Habsburg governors out of Prague castle window onto a huge dungheap. The corresponding carnage - fought over the issue of religious freedom following the Protestant Reformation - left millions dead.
britannica.comSubmitted by Royal_Bumblebee_ t3_ydslck in todayilearned
Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_iycti75 wrote
Reply to Ancient Ukrainian “megasites” may have been the world’s first cities, challenging long-held views on the beginnings of urbanism by marketrent
notice that this article was written in 2020.
In for example London when buildings were destroyed during the WW2 blitz... many new archeological discoveries were made amongst the rubble. in particular there is a famous ancient roman temple to the god Mithras.
I wonder what if anything might be found from the recent bombing in ukraine. Very sad, but also imagine if they found further evidence of very ancient cities in Ukraine... would hurt Putin's stated aim of rendering all ukrainian history and culture as a subset of Russia's, and it would be done due to discoveries made from the destruction wrought by his bombs.