
Zirnike t1_ix5xvf9 wrote

Natural log related e generally has a superscript, but I take your point.

Oh, goddess, now I'm trying to figure out irrational and imaginary numbers in Roman numerals.



Zirnike t1_ix1le1c wrote

I think base 8 isn't much of an issue. Might actually be an advantage if we "spoke" b8, considering the structuring of our computers.

The real question is, what the bloody hell does the system architecture of a computer running on roman numerals look like? 😀 Good thing the aliens are smart.


Zirnike t1_iwyfedp wrote

The human stared at the navigation database. Thiun recognized the look as one of puzzlement. It was distressingly common in humans, considering they made it to a different star system.

"Don't you have a numerical catalog with spacial coordinates? I can translate your zero point to ours easily enough, but this list of names isn't helping." She brushed back her hair from her eyes.

Thiun started to weave his two primary manipulator tentacles together in an expression of humor, then stopped himself. One of the few things humans were at an average level on was learning what they called "body language", and he did not wish to seem insulting.

"That is our numerical database. They are listed in order of proximity, but perhaps this might assist in comprehension." He reached out to the secondary console and filtered by order of discovery, with the coordinates listed after.

Hedy looked again. This time her expression was new to it. Thiun checked his external link, and found a single raised eyebrow meant the discovery of something odd. It allowed it's secondary manipulator tentacle to express a questioning demeanor.

"Ok, let me just confirm something. I know you're a scientist, so you're good at math?" Thiun nodded, that being a surprisingly common species indicator of agreement. "Would you mind multiplying 643 by 896? Manually, I mean."

It's own manipulators "raising their eyebrows", Thiun pulled out his tablet and started writing. A few minutes later, it exclaimed "576123."

"You're off by five." Hedy cocked her head. "Try me."

"Very well. 355 times 763."

"270865." Came back seconds later. She had done it without a writing surface. In her head. It typed in the numbers into his calculator. It took him longer to confirm the answer than it had for her to give it.

All 15 eyes swiveled to focus on the human. "How? No offense, but your capabilities are quite limited compared to ours, but I've only seen that kind of mental mathematics done as a parlor trick, by someone with perfect recall."

She shook her head. "I can't believe you made it out of the sail age like this..." She muttered distractedly. "correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the number 74, correct?" Thiun's glance showed that number hadn't shown up on screen. She wrote out a quick series of symbols, with the furthest along being a "?". "I don't know what that symbol looks like, but I know there is one."

Three eyes looked at the tablet, quickly followed by 8 others. The remaining stared at the human scientist as a threat response - his biology literally would not let him look away.

"I don't understand... You said this was the first time you've seen our databases, but you figured it out that quickly?"

She stared back. "I finally have something to trade, it seems. A positional numerical system." Again she brushed her hair out of her eyes. "How did you manage spaceflight with base 8 ROMAN NUMERALS?"