Zoidbergslicense t1_j66la07 wrote
Reply to comment by fractivSammy in Scientists Create Shapeshifting Humanoid Robot That Can Liquefy And Reform by alienaftermintx
He was here, but he’s in the future now. Hopefully he comes back in time!
Zoidbergslicense t1_j4xztrg wrote
Reply to Can humanity's new giant leap into space succeed? There is a new order emerging in space - a race between America and China. But with the demands of space exploration, even these great superpowers won't be able to do it alone. by filosoful
I would like to thank the Chinese for inspiring the US to go back to space. Even if it’s just because of FOMO.
Zoidbergslicense t1_j22c4rh wrote
It’ll be 10 years from the day we discover oil somewhere else in the universe
Zoidbergslicense t1_j0nzimk wrote
Reply to How will Martian government develop? by Melodistro
King Elon will appoint a Head Freespeech Master for each Freespeech District on the planet.
Important note: Elon can terminate any Citizens air credits if their speech is too free, or the wrong kind of free.
Zoidbergslicense t1_iyoprfg wrote
Reply to Is it possible that nuclear defense technologies will surpass the abilities of nuclear weapons in the future, rendering them near useless? by Wide-Escape-5618
You could load 5 on a semi in Mexico and maybe 1 would get caught at the border.
Zoidbergslicense t1_iuucrus wrote
Reply to comment by lagrange_james_d23dt in Clear window coating could cool buildings without using energy by chrisdh79
A glazer needs to know- What surface of the glass is this designed to go on?
Zoidbergslicense t1_is3ry9n wrote
Once thing is for sure, if they have oil both species will be subject to problems, up to and including termination.
Zoidbergslicense t1_jd8dlh7 wrote
Reply to Endgame for f****** society! by tiopepe002
I think the endgame will be when AI and tech take us to the point where none of us need to work. The make or break point will be if the wealthy collect all the benefit of this. I really believe we have the tech and knowledge currently to build a world where no one has to suffer. But human nature is preventing that and will probably prevent it forever.