
t1_jcb7g34 wrote

Curious where you hail from.

I lived in Arkansas my whole life but always wanted to visit the PNW. Had a friend living out here so finally visited in summer of 2017. Rainier, Baker, ferry rides, whale-watching, Olympics, Hoh Rainforest, roasting marshmallows on the coast... an alien world for this land-locked southern boy.

I moved within a year and never looked back.


t1_iv32xza wrote

Yep, odds are the shooter's parents are buddies/family with the cops or they go to the same church. I can just see it, the shooter told some story about it being an accident (and for all we know it was but that doesn't matter) and then it's "his life can't be ruined over an accident with an out-of-towner". Fuck this shit.