
Zout t1_j2t398g wrote

You might have read what he said, but it seems to me you didn't process it. He literally says that obese people excrete less calories, so this is the mechanism you're asking for. Leaner people don't get all the energy out of the food and into the body.


Zout t1_isp91pe wrote

True, you have to overcome the osmotic pressure, which would be the same for current RO membranes or these new types. This is where the bulk of the energy is used. Reading the article I don't really get what improvement is made with these membranes. One the one hand the article claims a high flux for the new material, on the other hand fouling, stability and mechanical strength seems to be among the problems to solve.


Zout t1_irsvtbu wrote

Just an f.y.i. (and maybe a warning for other people?), I visited the site of the waking up app, you can get a 7 day free trial, after that you have to pay a subscription (it states unless you don't have the means, I don't know how to qualify for this). There is no pricing information anywhere on the website. I don't know how legit this is, but not being open about your pricing upfront seems scammy to me.