_D3ft0ne_ t1_j8vo5hi wrote
Reply to Lowrider segway by PaleSubstance2
Sooo good.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j8ukq23 wrote
Reply to Tortoise vs Hare by toonhole
Bullet it shot directly up would be falling down at its terminal velocity, which is potentially very survivable.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j6l7hqk wrote
Reply to comment by Excellent_Fuel3124 in We try so hard to find a meaning in a life we didn't choose by Excellent_Fuel3124
You will know exactly how in time.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j6h45j0 wrote
Reply to [homemade] In-n-Out-style chuck & brisket cheeseburger, animal fries, and pink lemonade. by he-was-number-wan
Animal fries... Whatever it is look so good. Reminds of our Canadian poutine.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j6h3c3b wrote
"In a life we didn't choose"... You might be surprised to learn otherwise.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j4nl3tn wrote
Very cool. Somehow this picture brings back a lot of my childhood memories, and for the most part I loved the gloomy days, since I could just be at home playing my SNES and IBM PC games...
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j1p6nt3 wrote
Reply to [Homemade] Christmas dinner: prime rib, green bean casserole, and cheesy funeral potatoes! by AlyGatito
Man, people naming food with French words is one mildly annoying thing , but funeral potatoes... Is just another level.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j0jn2rc wrote
Reply to Scariel by me by OwneTrick
_D3ft0ne_ t1_j0apx6c wrote
Reply to Late train, Me, Pixelart, 2022 by vixit_art
Amazing... Looking at this, somehow the lateness of the hour is really present... I can feel its late due to eery calmness.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_iyfchhd wrote
Reply to My country has put warnings in CocaCola reading "Excess in Sugar" and "Contains caffeine, avoid in children" by aM3o03
Just got back from Mexico, was a nice surprise to see those.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_ivn7juy wrote
Reply to Take a walk on the wild side by dziontz
This encompasses the shroomies very well.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_itycnnv wrote
Reply to How an allergy test works by Monkey-Newz
Looks like you are not very allergic to H&M Stores.. They have decent stuff.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_itodtvm wrote
Reply to comment by rayray1010 in [Image] Stop Treating Yourself Like an After Thought. by poptartjake
He had to understand that one for sure, since he narrowly escaped alcoholism.
_D3ft0ne_ t1_jabozt8 wrote
Reply to [i ate] a carrot cake and an oreo milkshake by ananenlata67
That'd be around 4k calories Hahaha. Damn you are brave.