
t1_j511wlj wrote

I’d like to make a point here about all the modern sexist rhetoric pointing to the “good old days” when women didn’t work…

Women have always worked. But it was either outside the home in menial, criminally underpaid jobs, or doing domestic labor for almost no wages at all. This is especially true for minority and immigrant women, who often didn’t have a choice - they were exploited (and sometimes even downright enslaved), and were forced to hold down a job while also doing all the domestic work for their own families as well.

Oh, and these weren’t cushy office gigs either. It was stuff like manual labor, handwashing laundry, cleaning, hands-on childcare, and front-line healthcare. Brutal, demoralizing work with terrible hours and even worse pay.

A lot of work reform movements leave out womens’ historic contributions both to social causes and to the labor force as a whole.