
t1_jdh5z40 wrote

Writing on a strict deadline is actually really damn hard. Especially when you have to consider all the realities of budget (can we even afford that scene?), availability (oh, these two characters that should interact in that episode just.. can't. Huh.) and producers meddling in your writing (I gotta change my big plot twist because the producers didn't like it what the fuck that was the entire fucking point of that fucking story aaaaaaaaaaaargh).


t1_jcuzpvr wrote

Reply to Avenue 5 by

I am so conflicted on the show. It had a ton of really great moments. But it also had so many utterly bizarre plot decisions that kept making me scratch my head.

Like there's the first twist (>!the captain is fake!<), and then there's the second twist (>!the crew is fake!<). And as the captain discovers the second twist he basically freaks out and acts like this is the end of the world. But.. why? It makes no damn sense. >!The first twist worked because the original captain is dead, but the second twist just showed the real crow is working somewhere else.!< Why would anyone in the know be concerned about that?

And there are just so many little nonsensical things happening in that show every single episode. Like them coming across some big space station and - apparently - neither Wikipedia nor Google existing in the future because no one can figure out what that station is for or who is in it. Not to mention that this undermines the entire premise of the show given that people need to be able to be transported to and from that station, and supposedly the ship is too far away for any proper rescue.

It just feels like a bunch of very convoluted but funny situations that are very artificially created to serve the comedy. Which is fine, but also a bit meh.


t1_iuafvfn wrote

Some people, sure, but not enough for a highly upvoted passive aggressive comment about it every single time the Fox Network is mentioned.

The closure argument is fair, though. Honestly, at this point it makes sense to just consider the books cancelled and be positively surprised when they happen after all.


t1_iua0rrq wrote

Reddit owes all its success to its users. Does reddit owe me anything?

The very basic line of reasoning here is just really questionable if you think about it for a bit, and invites everyone to become entitled assholes. Which is, incidentally, how people act towards GRRM.


t1_iu9y0v9 wrote

> He's one of the richest and most successful authors because of the people reading his books, and therefore owes the readers a satisfying conclusion.

So are you saying that if he finishes the books and the ending sucks, he owes the readers that he rewrite his last book until they like the ending?
